History & Facts


A percussion instrument is defined as an instrument made of sonorous material. A vibration produces sounds of definite or indefinite pitch when shaken or struck. The pitch is determined in many different ways. It is done through the tautness of the stretched material for indefinite pitch instruments. The pitch is determined by the size of the objects in definite pitch instruments. Notes are produced by striking the instrument in certain places.


Drums are found in nearly every culture in the world and have existed since before 6000 B.C. They've had ceremonial, sacred, and symbolic associations.

The first type of percussion instrument was simply anything hit together to produce sound. Drums evolved from this and are known to have existed from around 6000 BC. They were used by all major civilizations throughout the world.

Percussion instruments have strong ceremonial, sacred, or symbolic associations almost everywhere. Certain drums symbolise and protect tribal royalty in much of Africa. They were also used to transmit messages over long distances.

They also played a major role in medieval and Renaissance Europe. The snare drum and its relatives were used in the infantry to send coded instructions to the soldiers.

Drumming is something everyone can do, and requires no musical training. You don't need any specialist or expensive instrument either - anything goes.

Our collection of instruments includes: Ocean drum, bongos, djembes, gong, pandeiros (tambourines), kalimbas (thumb pianos), dholak, pancake and monkey drums, vibratone, afouche cabasa, glockenspiel, buffalo drum, tambour, bodhran, cymbals, maracas, rainsticks, cowbell, woodblocks, agogo, castanets, tulip woodblock, triangle, bells, claves, finger cymbals, rhythm thang, shakers, dustbin and lid, hammer handles, broom handles etc - all those can be used for percussive groups.

Anything and everything goes for a hand drum - it's possible to improvise with virtually anything.

Percussion Instruments are defined as those that are sounded by striking, shaking, plucking, or scraping. All instruments such as drums and bells fall into this category. Percussion instruments may be further divided into those instruments that produce a definite pitch and those that do not. Some whistles (aerophones) are also included in this category of instruments because they tend to be considered sound effects rather than serious instruments.

Untuned and tuned percussion instruments

Untuned percussion instruments include the bass drum, side drum, anvils, triangles and jingles.

The bass drum makes a massive sound. If you've ever listened to a full orchestra playing above it, you can still feel its power. The drum is hit with a huge beater but can sometimes be played using the hand or fingers for special effect.

Tuned percussion instruments include the xylophone, marimba, glockenspiel, bells, crotals and many more.

Make your own percussion instrument or drum!

The 21st century urban environment provides tons of cool sounding material resources for making percussion sounds. What works? Just use your ears! Wooden boxes are inexpensive and rich in tone. A small wooden box can be a nice instrument. Also, beautiful sounds can come from things like copper tubing, dowel, pipe, pvc pipe, coffee cans, glass jars, old keys, hub caps, brake drums, frying pans, you name it .If it's made of wood, metal or certain types of plastic, it will probably sound good. Being round or hollow is an added benefit.

Just use your ears and your imagination !

Follow this link to check by music genre or type the rhythm percussion instruments we have for sale in our Percussion4U online shop